This page is just for your Nevaeh & Leopardstar Bengal Cats.  

Please send an email with some news and a picture, we will post them on the site for all to see.


Nevaeh Once in a Blue Moon 

Hi Emma,
Thought you would like to see one of your kittens fully integrated with the dogs doing their evening walk!!
It took a while for them to integrate but now it’s like the cat has always been part of the gang!
We love her very much.
All the best



August 2024

Nevaeh Quick Off the Mark (Rajah) & Nevaeh Queen of Sheba (India)

May I introduce Rajah and India 😻
ajah is a brown spotted male Bengal, India is a brown marble female Bengal.
They’ve been with us a week now and have developed into the most wonderful lovely little characters. We absolutely adore them, and it’s all credit to the dedication and experience of Emma and Nevaeh Bengals.
Thank you so much for bringing them into our lives 🥰

Keith & Nicki 


April 2024


Nevaeh Polar-Express (Louis) & Nevaeh Phantasia  (Coco)

Dear Emma & Ann
Both Louis & Coco have settled in very quickly to their new home, the attached picture was taken within the first week of arrival. Yesterday day 5, they had their kitten check up at the vets, all perfect and compliments to the breeder, they were amazing, very well behaved and not frightened at all by noises.  They love routine,  when they go to bed we don't hear them till we get up then next morning.
A big thank you to Emma & Ann for rearing very affectionate, social kittens, also all the great advise given if needed. We are so happy with our new additions we love so very much!
Both Louis & Coco would like to pass on a big thank you to Emma & Ann for their wonderful kitten pack, full of goodies so very thoughtful & kind.
West Sussex 
February 2024

Nevaeh Noble Spirit

Hi Emma,

I hope you and your mum are doing well.
I just thought I’d share a photo of Leila - she is such a wonderful addition to our family and such a kind hearted girl. She’s growing up fast now!

Very cuddly and so cute, although she is a bit of a hoover when it comes to eating!😂 

High Wycombe
May 2023


Nevaeh One in a Million

Hi Emma 

Hope you’re well! We are all completely in love with our Yazzy cat! Full of energy, personality, affection and attitude…She is finally coming out of her shell and sleeping on our laps! And we’re excited to get her cat flap installed this week.

Sept 2023

Nevaeh On a Mission (Tilly)

It’s going so well Emma.

So happy. They’re interacting beautifully. So proud of Theo grandfathering her in the way he does. 😊  
leeping together on my bed during the night 😊.
Emma I must say that between you, Ann and the kitten’s feline parents you have produced a most excellent kitten.
She’s impeccably litter trained and very well behaved (for the time being!). Thank you so much and well done - couldn’t be happier with Tilly.

Sept 2023


Nevaeh Now or Never (Cookie)

Hi Emma & Ann

All is good - Cookie 🍪 settles in well 👏 

Cookie 🍪 is doing great - she’s now friends with our big Doberman.


Feb 2023


Nevaeh Noble Spirit (Leila)

Hi Emma & Ann

A photo for you! She’s very cute!! And so intelligent!! A little bit of a troublemaker sometimes but she is a Bengal kitten after all! 

She loves water as we expected but also loves physically having a shower as well! 


Feb 2023


Nevaeh No Fear (Benji)

Hi Emma & Ann

I hope you’re well. just thought I’d drop you a quick message. Benji is doing fantastically well. Naturally first couple of days was very shy and didn’t really have much of an appetite, but in the Sunday did come out and play for a bit which was great. Now - he’s settled right in, really found himself, loves playing with the children and is getting up to all sorts of mischief! 😂
He had his kitten check at the vets yesterday and they were very happy with him and also had compliments for the breeder 👍🏼
He’s been absolutely amazing with the children, not really been fazed by them and always looking to play with them, but also really settled in and made it his home 😍 Thanks for all your help throughout, been a pleasure to deal with you and end up with a fantastic Bengal, exactly as Bengals should be 😊

Liam and Melissa


Nevaeh Major Attitude (Sigi)

Hey Emma, 

Thought I would share some pictures & update! Sigi has now fully settled in I would say.

Confident, cuddly & affectionate. Currently training her to accept a harness & is going very well.

We couldn't be happier with how she's been getting on so thank you once again!  

Michael & Star 

Oct 2022


Leopardstar Fairy Lily (Lily)

Dear Emma & Ann,

Just a quick update for you...   Lily has now been with us for a week and has settled in brilliantly.  After picking her up, I didn’t hear a squeak out of her for the hour trip back.  Once home we put her in her room and let her do her thing - after a little while she ventured out for a look around, a light lunch and confirmed she found her litter tray acceptable.By early evening, having had a bit of a big day and lots of running around in her new home, she settled down and fell asleep on us.  We built her a camp on the sofa - having found our Bengals love a makeshift rug awning over a few cushions, and that was that - content kitten. So far she has been spending nights in her room on her own - we haven’t had to intervene at all - she’s taken it all in her stride.We had been slightly nervous how Big, our 7 year old Bengal, would respond to her.  He lost his sister last year (and Lily’s distant relation) and hadn’t seen another cat since.  We allowed them to introduce themselves to one another and we’ve been really pleased with how things have gone.  Very little spitting or snarling.  In fact it was notable that once they had seen each other they cautiously relaxed a bit. For the last few days, ever more confident, Lily has been exploring the house and finding out where Big sleeps.  He has grumbled a bit from time to time (literally grumbled) and feigns disinterest but can’t help himself and is becoming more and more playful and less surprised to find her in his space.  We suspect in the next few days we’ll be aware the house has become strangely quiet, we’ll go looking and there they will be, curled up together making those special Bengal sleeping noises. Anyway, Lily is fantastic with masses of Bengal character and energy. 

We couldn’t be happier. We’ll let you know how she gets on in the coming months.Harry Wendy, Lily and Big x

Oct 2020


Leopardstar Forever Love (Kodi)

Hi Emma & Ann,

Kodi is a very happy and active cat who loves to go outside on his harness providing it’s warm enough and dry!

I took this picture in a local wood which is his favourite place to explore and climb numerous trees. He is also starting to make friends with a short hair terrier dog down the road who he meets when he’s outside my house on his harness.

People we meet always comment about his stunning looks and I still find that captivating too after all these months especially his heart shaped rosette.

My thanks and gratitude go out to Emma and Ann for rearing such well socialised and beautiful kittens.



Oct 2020


Nevaeh Eternal Love (Herbie)

He’s arrived safely.

Exploring and doing a lot of sniffing.

Doesn’t seem at all stressed.

He’s seems very happy. Purring a lot. Eaten and done a pee 🙂

Already curled up with my daughter. We called him Herbie.

He’s very happy. I will send you some photos - though he is never still.

He’s very sweet 😻


Sept 2020


Nevaeh Enchanted Peace (Axel)

Hi Emma

Just to let you know we got home safely with Axel and he has settled in really well straight away 😻

He has used the litter box twice, slept in his basket, played with his toys, used the scratch post and eaten a pouch of wet food.

A busy little guy!

Carrie & Simon

Sept 2020


Nevaeh Epona (Bella)

Hi Emma

We've decided to call her Bella, just because she's soooo incredibly beautiful  😂


Sept 2020


Nevaeh Esther (Figment aka Figgy)


Just to let you know we got home just fine and she has settled in well. After the 1st 15mins spent behind the Christmas tree, she started to come out of herself and now seems very happy and into everything. Loves her food, typical Bengal! She's also just discovered the piano!! 😂

She’s doing so well, we’re all loving how cuddly she is. We’re taking it very slowly, but she met our dog last night and she was ever so brave. She seemed more angry he exists rather than scared 😂, however got over it quite quickly.
As you predicted, she has certainly has the dog where she wants him!!

West Sussex

Sept 2020


Nevaeh Everlasting Dreams (Tigger)

Happy new year Emma.

This is Everlasting Dreams (Tigger) she enjoyed some well cooked and plain roast beef (finely chopped) as part of her New Year’s Day dinner with us.

She has settle in amazingly, is full of adventure, mischief and loves cuddles in the evenings.

She is a perfect fit with the rest of family.


Dec 2020


Leopardstar Dark Magic (Cleo)


Just thought I’d let you know that Cleo is settling in very well!

Vets visit yesterday and all is well (as we expected).

She’s super affectionate which is so lovely

(this is her watching me work earlier).

Has met the dog a few times but is still just growling at him (showing him who’s boss!)

Maxime xx

Sept 2020


Nevaeh Cleopatra (Luna) & Nevaeh Cassiopeia (Kiki

Hi Emma

We love them!  Totally besotted! 

Every day they become more confident in the house. 

Luna really looks after Kiki too.


May 2020


Leopardstar Baloo (Baloo) & Leopardstar Bastet (Lexi)

Hi Emma
You’re spot on! We have both fallen totally in love with them, they are such gorgeous kittens, full of personality & so different. I think Baloo is going to grow up to be a big softie bear he is more hesitant/cautious than Lexi-she is a real extrovert! & leads Baloo into all sorts of mischief. Both love a cuddle too. Lexi takes any opportunity to sit on my lap, whilst Baloo joins us stretched out along my thigh, on the sofa ...... can’t imagine life without them now they settled so quickly & have us completely wrapped around their toebeans! Full of fun & mischief, they are also both really friendly & loving cats-learned to come to a whistle after only  a week & no problem going to their bed at night-don’t hear a peep from them.

Thank you Emma & Ann for rearing such healthy, well socialised kittens they are very loved 😻😻


May 2020


Leopardstar Bagheera (Pablo)

Here's a photo of our gorgeous boy Pablo (Leopardstar Bagheera)

He's settled in very well and especially loves our dog!


May 2020


Leopardstar Bacchus (Benji)

Hi Emma

thank you for yesterday and making everything so easy. He is absolutely adorable. Benji is the most amazing beautiful kitten he has settled so well, he is ruling the roost.

Sleeps on and in our bed loves playing with all his toys and sleeping in his ‘crows nest’.

We really can’t imagine him not being here ❤️

Thank you Emma, We are so happy he has completed our retirement.
I know what you mean about Cleo - Benji attacks his tail like it doesn’t belong to him 🤣 then spends ages washing it 😂


May 2020


Leopardstar Balthazar & Leopardstar Belladonna

Hemel Hempstead

May 2020


Leopardstar Athena (Shinx)

Hi Emma,

We love our wonderful cat Shinx.

She is playful, extremely curious and a good company. She is awesome. A lovely cat!

She a very good kitty and we love her.

West Sussex

April 2020


Leopardstar Tanvi (Alice)  & Leopardstar Takara (Oscar)


Thought you might like to see how Oscar and Alice

(Tips) are getting on, it took them a while to get settled

and every day they get better. They have both grown

and Oscar has got a bit tubby but they have adjusted to

being indoors.


Leopardstar Valentine (Daisy)
Retired Queen

Hi Emma

As you can see Daisy is settling in well.

Her confidence is growing daily.

I call her crazy Daisy.

Hope you are well.

Regards Pauline x

May 2018


Leopardstar Wizzard (Rocky)

Hi Emma
Hope you’re well... just to let you know that Rocky is settling in really well, I’ve attached a couple of pics - he’s very photogenic!
Simba is not particularly impressed but Rocky absolutely loves him - in fact he perked up massively the minute we introduced them!  Simba will get used to him soon enough...
Best wishes

May 2018


Leopardstar Wild Magic (Boo)

Hi Ann and Emma

Had a really successful journey home with Boo and she’s beginning to settle. Raffy is besotted.

Thanks again


May 2018


Zawadi Trix (Trix)
Retired Queen

Evening Emma

As promised here are some pics of Trix, she has been settling in fine since Friday and loves sleeping at the top of the cat tower I got for her.

She loves hiding among the plants I have in the flat and is really curious about me and watches my e
very move, following me about!

She sleeps on my bed at night with me too, which is so sweet!

I have discovered that 
she loves paper as well, she found some in my rubbish bin and has been batting it about like a ball.

I am so happy to have her here and I think she loves her new home!


May 2017


Leopardstar Tanvi  & Leopardstar Takara

Hi Emma, Elena & Ann, 
We would take this opportunity to update you on the kittens’ progress. In the end, we went for the name Tip for the girl,
and Oscar for the boy. They settled in very quickly, and were completely at home within the first 36 hours. 
We have taken them to the vet and they are very healthy.
I have included some pictures of the kittens. 
Best wishes, 
Emily and Arron

May 2017

Leopardstar Orion (Milo) & Leopardstar Oriana Molly)


Today is Milo and Molly's 1st birthday 17 February  (Leopardstar Orion & Leopardstar Oriana)

I thought I would send you some photos so you can see how they are getting on and see how they have matured.

Also I would like to thank you for giving us the most amazing Bengals we could ask for. They are the most loving, funny, affectionate cats ever and we can't imagine life without them!

Clare Greenwood

Marine & Natural History Photographer

Feb 2014


Nevaeh Nefertiti (Nala)

Hi Emma,
I hope you're well.
We just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know that Nala is getting on very well. She settled in extremely quickly and is now very much ruling the roost! She is very affectionate and also extremely playful. She has a favourite spot on the sofa and still enjoys playing fetch. I've attached some pictures - I'm sure that you'll see she's grown a lot.

Louise & Mark

Jan 2014


Nevaeh Hagrid (Loki)


Leopardstar Imagine-That (Bentley)

Hi Emma and Ann,

Thought we would drop you an email to let you know that “Bentley” has settled in fine.  First day he was very cautious and then it was all plain sailing.  He has completely taken over the household and is up and down the three floors like it is Le Mans, he loves the stairs.

We kept him in the kitchen on his first day until he had a tinkle in his tray and then opened all the doors so he could introduce himself to each room.

He had his first visit to the vet today to have his Kitty Check and all is okay which we knew it would be and she complimented you on your efficiency and breeding.  He is booked in on the 26th April for his doo-dahs doing and also a 6 month check.
He has taken to cuddling up with me for a snuggle but Paul is his playmate, we haven’t introduced him to the grandchildren yet - thought we would settle him in first hoping to do that this weekend. 
He has lots of toys but loves the feathers on the stick best which we bought a couple of days ago, he is such a cheeky chappy and we fell in love with him the first day and he is just purrrrrfect....................

Paul thought you might like the pictures below and we will keep in touch to let you know his progress.

Best wishes and thank you,
Sue and Paul x

Oct 2012

Leopardstar Gorgeous Girl

Hi Emma, 

We r loving our pussy cat, she is totally divine and makes us all laugh... she is so clever and growing very fast, beautiful

markings which appear to be getting darker... very clean, always goes to the loo in her trays.... I love her to bits!!!

She is a real character and not scared of anything.... Thanku! I will send u some pix,



May 2012

Nevaeh Helena Ravenclaw (Missy)

Just thought I would email to say thanks for our wonderful kitten, she is all settled in now and constantly causing mischief so that's what we have decided to call her (or missy for short). She loves taking up all the bed or sleeping in awkward places; normally under my laptop when I'm trying to do uni work. She also loves to play with her toys and get into everything. Hope everything goes well with the rest of the kittens will give you another update soon.

Hannah & Alex

Aug 2012


Leopardstar Gotta-Love-Him (Charli)


Just a note to let you know we called the new kitten Charli, the first 2 days Charli 

hated Benji but Benji seemed more interested than aggressive, by day 4 they were

best friends and now wont leave each other alone.

I have attached a photo for you.



May 2012

Leopardstar Fancy That (Benji)

Just to let you know Benji has settled in really well and is growing very fast! We
absolutely love him, let me know when you have another litter as may be interested in
a play mate for him. 

Jon & Sophie

Nov 2011


Leopardstar Dollymixture (Amber)

Settling into her new home with Rita Lewis

Nevaeh Charudatta (
Fred) and  Nevaeh Choukichi  (Barney)

Dear Emma, Elena and Ann,
Question - What could be better than a Bengal Kitten?
Answer - TWO Bengal kittens !!
Just wanted to thank you once again for our lovely boys Fred (Nevaeh Charudatta) and Barney (Nevaeh Choukichi) and to say to all the rest of their brothers and sisters HAPPY 1'st BIRTHDAY on 21st May.  Fred and Barney are very close brothers and are really loving to us too.  After spending a small fortune on new fencing all around the garden they are now allowed to play outside most days and are loving the freedom.  Both are now tipping the scales at around 7 kg but are long and sleek and love playing 'jungles' among the flowers and vegetables in the garden.  We have trained them to come running back to the door when we ring a bell !!  I will send some photographs soon.

Kindest regards,
Liz & Ray.

PS. Congratulations on the new litter.


 Nevaeh Choukichi (Fred) & Nevaeh Charudatta (Barney)

To Emma, Ann & Elena

Mum & Dad have taken lots of photos of us and are sending them to you to let you know that we are well and happy in our new home.  Mum & Dad love us very much even when we are naughty!! (Trying to eat a Lemon Meringue Pie,  Mum & Dad had made for a dinner party – Fred ate most of it!!!) We both tip the scales at well over 5kg now.  Fred looks like his pussy cat daddy – while I'm a sleeker, good looking boy like mummy cat!!  We're looking forward to creating havoc on Christmas Day.

Lots of love

Fred & Barney

(Liz & Ray)

May 2009


Nevaeh Charu (Simba) 


Thanks for the Christmas card and wishing you all a good Christmas and new year.

Best wishes

Dec 2008


Nevaeh Charu (Simba) 

Just to update you about Simba’s progress. He seems to have settled in well and is gradually getting used to the other cat Alfie. They have had a few hissing sessions but nothing too serious.  We have kept him inside so far but this morning he managed to get out through the cat flap. Following Alfie, he did however come back when called. I think at some stage he will go out as he has now got a taste for the fresh air and garden. He certainly is a character and very vocal when he wants something.

Best wishes
Rita Lewis

July 2008


Nevaeh Capala (Bobby) 

He is a joy and a pleasure,  so beautiful, thank you so much.



Nevaeh  Bakuli (Raffy)

Hi, Emma 
I just thought you might like to know how Raffy is getting on. She is such a fantastic character and is into everything, including flower pots! She especially likes paddling in the dogs water bowl! We were a bit worried about letting our dog be around Raffy but now that we have introduced them gradually they absolutely LOVE each other , the dog is besotted and follows her around everywhere trying to lick her. She cries when he is not there, now. We are so relieved that they get on. Hope all is well with Cleo and the other kittens.
Best wishes,
Kate FitzGerald

July 2008

Nevaeh Bakula  (Mia)

Dear Emma,

Nevaeh Bakula or Mia as my daughter has named her is doing very well. She is playful and also demanding. She has been out for walks on a harness which she has had no problems with. Additionally, Mia is eating about 120g of wet food daily but does not seem to like dry food.
She follows me everywhere and comes when I call much to Elyse's jealous annoyance.
Mia has also bonded well with Elyse who dotes on her.
Hope you are well,
all the best,

July 2008 


Nevaeh Bhamini (Bambi) July 2008

Hi Emma
Bambi is settling in great, already part of the family! She hasn't cried at night, used her litter tray immediately and sleeps on our lap already! She unbelievably adores Summer, who runs up and down the room with her toys, Bambi in tow, it's great they tire each other out! Bambi is now having moments of madness too, chasing her tail and climbing our legs, she is very loving and playful. She spends a lot of time playing, purring and snuggled into Summer's soft teddy's or our feet. She is eating and drinking fine too, I gave her a small amount of wild red salmon yesterday and she polished it off very quickly. Best wishes
Best wishes
Donna, Johno, Summer and Bambi-blue.
July 2008